Filter by
Failed to "?eval" string with this error: ---begin-message--- Syntax error in ?eval-ed string in line 1, column 2: Encountered ")", but was expecting one of: <STRING_LITERAL> <RAW_STRING> "false" "true" <INTEGER> <DECIMAL> "." "+" "-" "!" "[" "(" "{" <ID> ---end-message--- The failing expression: ==> imageElem?eval [in template "20101#20128#null" at line 71, column 46] ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign imageJSON = imageElem?eval [in template "20101#20128#null" at line 71, column 25] ----
1<#-- Article Display 2 -->
3<#include init />
6<#--<#include "${full_templates_path}/homepage/article_display2.ftl" />-->
7<#assign fileEntryServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil")>
9Article Display 2
11<#include init/>
12<link rel="stylesheet" href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeCss()}/articleDisplay2.css"/>
13<#assign imageJSON = "{}"?eval>
14<#assign title = "No title">
15<#assign summary = "No summary">
16<#assign category = "No category">
17<#assign categoryName = "No Title">
18<#assign publishDate = "">
19<#assign pdfUrl = "">
20<#if curEntry??>
21 <#assign renderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer()>
22 <#assign className = renderer.getClassName()>
23 <#if className == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle">
24 <#assign journalArticle = renderer.getArticle()>
25 <#assign journalArticleId = journalArticle.getArticleId()>
26 </#if>
28 <#assign journalArticleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data>
29 <#-- journalArticle.getDescription() returns the diacritical description wraped in <span> => assetEntry.getSummary() -->
30 <#assign journalArticleLocalServiceUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil"]>
31 <#assign journalArticle = journalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), journalArticleId)>
32 <#assign journalArticleResourcePrimKey = journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()>
33 <#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")>
34 <#assign curEntry = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticleResourcePrimKey)>
35 <#assign renderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer()>
37<#assign journalArticleTitle = renderer.getTitle(locale)>
38<#if journalArticleTitle?hasContent>
39 <#if journalArticleTitle?length < 115>
40 <#assign title = journalArticleTitle>
41 <#else>
42 <#assign title = journalArticleTitle?substring(0,115) + "...">
43 </#if>
46<#assign journalArticleSummary = htmlUtil.extractText(curEntry.getSummary(locale))>
47<#if journalArticleSummary?hasContent>
48 <#if journalArticleSummary?length < 110>
49 <#assign summary = journalArticleSummary>
50 <#else>
51 <#assign summary = journalArticleSummary?substring(0,107) + "...">
52 </#if>
54<#list curEntry.getCategories() as journalArticleCategory>
55 <#assign category = journalArticleCategory.getTitle(locale)> <#-- only one category can be used -->
56 <#assign categoryName= journalArticleCategory.getName()>
57 <#break>
60<#if curEntry.publishDate?hasContent>
61 <#setting dateFormat=display_date_format>
62 <#setting locale = locale.getLanguage()>
63 <#assign publishDate = curEntry.publishDate?date>
65<#assign document =>
66<#assign rootElement = document.getRootElement()>
67<#list rootElement.elements() as dynamicElement>
68 <#switch dynamicElement.attributeValue("name")>
69 <#case "image1">
70 <#assign imageElem = dynamicElement.element("dynamic-content").getText()>
71 <#assign imageJSON = imageElem?eval>
72 <#break>
73 <#case "pdfFile">
74 <#assign pdfElem = dynamicElement.element("dynamic-content").getText()>
75 <#if validator.isNotNull(pdfElem)>
76 <#assign pdfJSON = pdfElem?eval>
77 <#assign pdfUrl = "/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=" + pdfJSON.uuid + "&groupId=" + pdfJSON.groupId>
78 <#assign pdfFile = fileEntryServiceUtil.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(pdfJSON.uuid, pdfJSON.groupId?number)>
79 <#assign pdfFileSize = pdfFile.getSize()/1024>
80 <#assign pdfFileType = pdfFile.getExtension()>
81 </#if>
82 <#break>
83 <#default>
84 </#switch>
87<#include "${full_templates_path}/inc/redirect_actualites_portlet.ftl" />
88<#assign articleUrl =getUrlArticle(journalArticle.getUrlTitle(locale)) />
90<#assign structure = journalArticle.getDDMStructure()/>
91<#assign isComDePresse = structure.getName(locale) == "Press_release">
98<#assign notFromCarousel = !fromCarousel?? || !fromCarousel>
100<div class="<#if notFromCarousel>rectangle-article-display2<#else>carousel-rectangle</#if>" >
102<#if notFromCarousel>
103 <div class="image-article-display2">
105 <#if imageJSON?hasContent>
106 <a href='${articleUrl}'>
107 <img alt="${imageJSON.alt}" aria-hidden="true" data-fileentryid="${imageJSON.fileEntryId}" class=" " loading="lazy" loading="lazy" src="/documents/${imageJSON.groupId}/${imageJSON.uuid}"/>
108 </a>
109 <#else>
110 <#if imageElem?hasContent>
111 <a href='${articleUrl}'>
112 <img alt="${imageElem.getAttribute('alt')}" aria-hidden="true" data-fileentryid="${imageElem.getAttribute('fileEntryId')}" class=" " loading="lazy" loading="lazy" src="${imageElem.getData()}" />
113 </a>
114 </#if>
115 </#if>
116 </div>
118 <div class="<#if notFromCarousel>box-text-article-display2 wording-block-article-display2</#if>">
119 <div class="<#if notFromCarousel>wording-article-display2</#if>">
120 <div class="<#if notFromCarousel>categorie-article-display2<#else>carousel-category</#if>" >
121 <a href='${actualite_url_portlet+categoryName+"/1"}' >${category}</a>
122 </div>
123 <h3 <#if notFromCarousel && imageJSON?hasContent> id="${journalArticleId}" </#if> class="<#if notFromCarousel>titre-de-l-actualite-article-display2<#else>carousel-title</#if>"><a href='${articleUrl}'>${title}</a></h3>
124 <p class="<#if notFromCarousel>petite-description-d-article-display2<#else>carousel-description</#if>">${summary}</p>
125 </div>
126<#if notFromCarousel>
127 <#if isComDePresse>
128 <div class="download-article_display2">
129 <#if pdfUrl?hasContent>
130 <div class="date-article-display2">
131 <div style="overflow:hidden; float:left;">${publishDate}</div>
132 <a href='${pdfUrl}' target='_blank' >
133 <div class="telecharger-article_display2" style="float:left;"><@liferay.language key="bnpparibas.cardif.portlet.telecharger" /> (${pdfFileSize?string("0")} ko ${pdfFileType})</div>
134 <div class="icn-download-article_display2" style="float:right;">
135 <img style="float:right; margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 16px;" class=" " aria-hidden="true" alt="<@liferay.language key="bnpparibas.cardif.portlet.telecharger" />" loading="lazy" loading="lazy" src="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/cardif/press_release/download.png"/>
136 </div>
137 </a>
138 </div>
139 <#else>
140 <div class="date-article-display2">
141 <div style="overflow:hidden; float:left;">${publishDate}</div>
142 </div>
143 </#if>
144 </div>
145 <#else>
146 <div class="date-article-display2">${publishDate}</div>
147 </#if>
149 </div>
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