March 08, 2021
March 2021
Professional equality between women and men is a priority at BNP Paribas Cardif. To ensure that this equality remains a reality at all times, we are implementing a number of actions that demonstrate our long-standing commitment to offering everyone the same career opportunities.
Access to positions of responsibility and equal pay for everyone
For many years, BNP Paribas Cardif has been developing a proactive policy of equal rights and opportunities for women and men. And it’s proving effective!
• Pauline Leclerc-Glorieux, currently Deputy Chief Executive Officer, will be appointed Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Cardif as of 19 May 2021, and will join the Executive Committee of the BNP Paribas Group.
• Parity is respected within our decision-making bodies (Executive Committee and Board of Directors).
• For the second year running, we have achieved a score of 98/100 on the professional equality index between women and men. This score is significantly above the required minimum of 75 points. Among other things, its annual calculation enables French companies to measure equal pay within their organisation.
A major commitment to diversity
With a desire to accelerate its commitment to promoting gender equality and female talent, BNP Paribas has extended the signing of the #JamaisSansElles charter to include all one hundred of its executive managers.
To ensure better representation of women in public and media events, each signatory member undertakes not to participate in events - internal or external, in-person or remote - of more than three speakers without the presence of women (debates, expert panels, roundtables etc).
Renaud Dumora, CEO of BNP Paribas Cardif, and other members of the Executive Committee are signatories to this charter.
Effective actions to ensure that the women and men of BNP Paribas Cardif enjoy a good life balance
Actions for all parents
Several events are regularly offered to our employees on different themes: parenting and lockdown, how to organise yourself and manage tension, supporting teenagers' motivation, home-schooling and more. Emergency childcare solutions are also available for young children.
Actions for carers looking after a loved one facing illness, old age or disability
To support employees with their daily needs, we offer them a comprehensive support service that combines the expertise of social counsellors from our partner "Responsage" with personal assistants and the "Tilia" app. Talks and workshops are also organised between carers in partnership with the Nouveau Souffle association.
Actions to combat domestic and family violence
We work closely with our social support service to enable victims of domestic violence to find help within the company. Recently, a conference entitled "Understanding and acting in the workplace when faced with domestic violence" was organised in partnership with the association Women Safe.
Actions in favour of equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation
For the last six years, BNP Paribas Cardif has supported the BNP Paribas Pride network, a network of LGBT+ employees and their allies. To celebrate Diversity Week in October 2020, our employees set out the reasons for their support and commitment in a video testimonial.
Award-winning initiatives in our countries
BNP Paribas Cardif Mexico has been certified "Best place to work" for LGBT equality. This is the result of excellent work to promote inclusion, making good use of diversity and considering differences as an essential pillar of its CSR strategy.
BNP Paribas Cardif Italy has received the "Equality" certification by the Winning Women Institute. This recognition demonstrates pay equality, the large number of women in management positions and inclusive practices that promote maternity. The company is the first insurance company in Italy to also achieve the "Pink Label" and to take this important step.